MrWolf s.r.l. | P.IVA: IT03886500986 |
For orders in Italy are permitted following payment methods:
* With Paypal, you will be directed to the secure page of PayPal. You can then make the payment directly from your PayPal account. The amount of the order is debited from your PayPal account at the time of order. In case of cancellation, the amount will be refunded to customer's PayPal account.
* Cash on delivery, on receipt of goods, directly to the express courier making the delivery. The mark is an optional for orders with maximum amounts of € 499.99.
* By bank transfer, the order will be processed after you received the credit to the coordinates that will be communicated on the order confirmation. The sending of the ordered happen only when the actual crediting of the amount due to the account of MrWolf srl current which must be within 7 (seven) working days from the date of order. In case of cancellation, it will refund the amount to the account of origin. The our coordinates are: IBAN: IT82D0569611204000003197X78 - BIC: POSOIT22XXX - In the reason indicate your order number or reference of the recipient.
For orders with deliveries abroad are permitted following payment methods:
* With Paypal, you will be directed to the secure page of PayPal. You can then make the payment directly from your PayPal account. The amount of the order is debited from your PayPal account at the time of order. In case of cancellation, the amount will be refunded to customer's PayPal account.
* By bank transfer, the order will be processed after you received the credit to the coordinates that will be communicated on the order confirmation. The sending of the ordered happen only when the actual crediting of the amount due to the account of MrWolf srl current which must be within 7 (seven) working days from the date of order. In case of cancellation, it will refund the amount to the account of origin. The our coordinates are: IBAN: IT82D0569611204000003197X78 - BIC: POSOIT22XXX - In the reason indicate your order number or reference of the recipient.